Episode Description:

How do I know if the crazy vision I had was from God? How do I know if the voice I heard was God, myself, or something else? In the Bible, Ezekiel faced these issues, believed them to be from God, and willingly obeyed. What ‘checks’ do I need if I experience these things? Join us in this latest episode of the ‘Hearing God’ Podcast as we look at these issues and unpack how Ezekiel in the Bible heard God. Also, if you have ever wondered ‘why Lord?’, the book of Ezekiel is about restoration when all seems impossible, and where the river of life flows, life will flourish.

Episode Notes:

Background to Ezekiel:

  • Ezekiel was born roughly 627 BC. He was a priest in Jerusalem.
  • King Jehoiachin was king. (2 Kings 24:8-16 – not a good King)
  • King Nebuchadnezzar had invaded Jerusalem and had taken captive the people.
  • They were approximately 100 miles south of Babylon.
  • Ezekiel had bizarre encounters with God. He heard God’s voice, and he saw crazy visions (chapter 1 – windstorm, flashing lights, fire and in the middle were four living creatures with human form – 4 faces (human, lion, ox, eagle) and 4 wings, feet like calf, hands like human, wheels on the ground, rims full of eyes, above was a vault and above that a throne with a figure like a man sitting on it – glowing metal like fire and radiant brilliant light surrounding it like the glory of the Lord.
  • He endured criticism. He heard people gossiping about him. God called him to do prophetic acts that didn’t always make sense to those around him.
  • As I read Ezekiel, part of me was grieved for how he was treated and misunderstood. He could be likened to someone with schizophrenia. But there is always hope. Ezekiel reminds me that with God, hope abounds.

First Principle: God can ‘speak’ to us in multiple ways

  • God spoke audibly and through an inner voice to Ezekiel.
  • See Episodes 4 & 16 – ways God communicates.
  • God spoke in visions.
  • God asked Ezekiel to do prophetic acts – physical acts that have implications and change things in the spiritual world. A prophetic act is something done (at God’s direction) in the natural (physical) realm that supports God’s workings in the spiritual realm to bring forth results manifested in the natural realm. It somehow opens the channel for releasing God’s presence, power, and victory to affect the physical realm and change outcomes.
  • Examples of Ezekiel doing this include eating the scroll, taking a block of clay and building siege works, lying on his left side for 390 days to bear the sin for the number of days that represent the years of Israel’s sin and then lying on his right side for 40 days – number of years of Judah’s sin. He took wheat to bake barley bread over human excrement for fuel – symbolising Israelites eating defiled food among the nations. Ezekiel said he would not defile himself that way, so God allowed him to bake it over cow dung instead. Shaving head burning 1/3 of the hair, scatter 1/3, cut 1/3 with the sword representing 1/3 die by plague/famine, 1/3 scattered to the wind and 1/3 fall to the sword.

Second Principle: Don’t limit God

  • Chapter 24:15-27 God told Ezekiel his wife was going to die and to mourn her quietly but not lament, shed tears, weep for her. This was a sign of Judah’s lack of concern for the things of God. Ezekiel’s wife died that evening.
  • God cannot be put in a box.
  • Details matter to God: numerous times, exact measurements, exact little details.
  • If he asks you to do something bizarre, check it against God’s character and nature, the Bible, and trusted wise people. Episode 13 – Recognising how God speaks and checking that it is of God.
  • Elijah was translocated. Chapter 3:14-15 – then the Spirit lifted me up and took me away and Elijah was plopped down near the Kebar River in Tel Aviv for 7 days.
  • He was again translocated in Chapter 8:3 The Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven and in visions of God he took me to Jerusalem. 4 catastrophic judgements against Jerusalem and the people there – war, famine, wild animals and disease.

Third Principle: God can turn a valley of dry bones into life. Don’t give up on God and the breakthrough that is coming.

  • Chapter 37:1-14
  • Verse 1 – (Another example of being transported) The hand of the Lordwas on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley of dry bones.
  • Beyond all reason and logic, the dry, dead bones were restored to life. He prophesied over the dry bones, and they came to life. The bones moved and came together, the sinews formed.
  • Imagine being there and seeing this. It does my head in. Still needed the breath in them.
  • God can and will bring dead things to life.
  • God can and will restore your dead marriage.
  • God can and will restore those dreams He’s given you to life.
  • God can and will restore those relationships.
  • Still need the breath of the Holy Spirit. His Word and His Spirit.

Caution in Ezekiel:

  • Be aware of idols in our life. Get rid of them. New Age stuff that creeps in. A great question to ask – Is God number 1 in my life?
  • Be aware of prostitution, pornography, abortion, etc.
  • God gets angry.


  1. God can ‘speak’ to us in multiple ways.
  2. Don’t limit God.
  3. God can turn a valley of dry bones into life. Don’t give up on God and the breakthrough coming.

Prophetic activation:

Turn your heart and thoughts to Father God and ask Him –

  • “God, is there an idol in my life?”
  • “If so, what is that idol? What have I put at a higher place than You?”
  • “Lord, what do I need to do about that?”

Time Stamps:

[0:53] – Gary & Jane share briefly how they have heard God this week.

[5:42] – Background to the story of Ezekiel.

[8:13] – First Principle: God can ‘speak’ to us in multiple ways.

[13:06] – Second Principle: Don’t limit God.

[20:21] – Third Principle: God can turn a valley of dry bones into life. Don’t give up on God and the breakthrough that is coming.

[23:52] – Caution in Ezekiel.

[24:27] – Recap the principles.

[24:50] – Prophetic activation.

[25:37] – Gary & Jane both share a prophetic word for a listener.

[27:26] – Gary prays for you.

Resources / Links Mentioned:

Bible Verses Mentioned:

  • Ezekiel, especially chapters 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 24, 37,
  • 2 Kings 24:8-16

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