Hearing God Podcast
Do you want to grow in your intimacy with Father God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus?
Most people struggle with hearing God for themselves, so this podcast will equip you with tools and practical examples so you can confidently hear God.
What would you love to hear God say to you today?
About ‘Hearing God’ Podcast
Most people struggle to hear God, so this podcast will equip you with tools and practical examples so you can confidently hear God.
With each podcast being roughly 20 minutes, it gives you quick, relevant, Biblical, and practical strategies you can immediately apply to hear God.
In being able to hear God for yourself, it will not only grow your intimacy with God, but will also help solve problems, positively impact your relationships, and transform your sphere of influence.
We love seeing people naturally live supernatural lives, so this 'Hearing God' podcast is a tool to help see this fulfilled in your life.

Gary Berry

Jane Berry
Episodes Weekly
Every Sunday @ 7pm (AEST)
On your favourite Podcast listening App.
Latest Episode
Episode 65: Wrap Up for 2024
Sharing 14 main principles of how Biblical characters heard God and the application to our life, we also reveal which Biblical character from our series in Season 2 we have related to the most. We also share why this is the last episode for 2024 Season 2 and that we will return in March 2025 with Season 3. Meanwhile, we encourage you to listen to episodes you’ve missed or your favourite ones to inspire you while you wait for Season 3. Thank you so much for listening.
Season 2. Episode 65 | 25:35 mins
Episode 64: Hearing God when life doesn’t go according to plan
Life often seems to throw us ‘curve balls’, and we can end up living lives different from what we imagined. How we deal with these events is vital. In the Bible, Moses dealt with significant events in his life, especially when he went from a ‘somebody’ living in a royal palace to a ‘nobody’ in the outback. He then discovered what God can do with a person fully devoted to Him. Join us as we unpack how Moses heard God amid these events and how it can relate to our life.
Episode 63: Hearing God when your faith is tested.
How do you respond when you’re required to do something contrary to your beliefs and principles? Join us as we unpack how Jochebed in the Bible (Moses’ mother) handled an order as a midwife to not only kill male babies but also the actions she took to save her baby boy. It may be a bit of a stretch to say Jochebed ‘heard’ God. It’s probably more how she responded to God throughout this time. Jochebed was willing to make difficult decisions and great sacrifices, putting her whole family at risk. But God. Just as God quietly orchestrated events in the life of Jochebed, be assured that He is also working behind the scenes in your life.
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Hearing God for the New Year - FREE for you to download.
We have a free 30-day pdf devotional – 'Hearing God for the New Year'. You can download your copy here: https://www.unlockingthegold.com/product/hearing-god-for-the-new-year/
This 30-day devotional has daily Bible verses and questions to help you hear God's heart for you in the new year.
The start of a year is a fantastic time to reflect on the past year and dream with God to set new goals for the coming year. This 30-day devotional is ideal for reviewing and planning, realising that "many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. (Proverbs 19:21)
Each day has questions for you to answer, plus questions to ask God about your life as you ponder and meditate on specific Bible verses.
God has so much He would love to share with us throughout this process. I encourage you to pause and listen to the things on God's heart for you for this coming year. If you would like to know how to hear what God is trying to communicate to you, click here to listen to episode 4 of our 'Hearing God' Podcast – 'How does God talk to us'. We also encourage you to go with the 'first thought' principle – the first thought that comes into your head, as long as it aligns with Scripture, the character of God, and you are in a healthy place with God. We explain the 'first thought' principle in Episode 3.
This 30-day devotional on Hearing God for 2024 covers:
- Reviewing 2023
- Achievements, challenges and pain, and the joys from 2023
- Answers to prayer, and memory stones from last year
- Distractions and disruptions from 2023
- Things I need to let go of, plus areas still to obey God in
- Seeing where God is currently working in my life and partnering with Him in this place
- What God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus are currently praying for me
- My values and vision
- Monthly theme/word for 2024
- Areas to grow and mature in, and where wisdom is needed
- Asking God for impossible dreams
- My unique Kingdom purpose
- My 2024 roles and priorities
- Disciplines needed
- Any concerns going forward
- Accountability
- Intimacy with God and areas to grow in
- How, and what, I will celebrate in 2024
- What I will speak over myself to see come to fruition
Start Listening Today!
Listen to become equipped with tools and practical examples so you can confidently hear God and develop your ability in releasing what you hear, see, sense, and know God is saying to you.