Episode Description:

Have you ever felt disappointed with God? That He could have prevented someone from dying? That He didn’t come through on something you were desperately longing for?

How do you respond when God is silent? When it appears that you can’t hear God?

Join us in this latest episode of the ‘Hearing God’ Podcast as we look at these issues and unpack how Lazarus in the Bible heard God.

Episode Notes:

Background to Lazarus:

  • We read about Lazarus and his sisters Mary & Martha in John 11:1-45 and briefly at the beginning of John 12. The other Gospels don’t mention this story.
  • A different Lazarus is mentioned in Luke 16:19-31 – a story about a rich man.
  • Lazarus is sick, and his sisters send word to Jesus to hurry and come and heal him. They live in Bethany, a couple of miles from Jerusalem.
  • When Jesus hears that Lazarus is sick, he decides to stay two more days where he is. Verse 5-6: “Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.So when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days”. The Message version says, “but oddly, he stayed on two more days.” Apparently, this was to reveal the glory of God.
  • By the time Jesus gets near to them, Lazarus is well and truly dead, having been in the tomb for four days.
  • Both Mary & Matha accuse Jesus of not caring. If he had been here, Lazarus would not have died. They act and speak out of grief, anger, disappointment, and bitterness.
  • Jesus calls out to Lazarus, “Lazarus, come out”.
  • Lazarus stumbles out of the tomb, wrapped in grave clothes/bandages.

First Principle: Jesus speaks personally to us.

  • In verse 43, Jesus calls out to Lazarus by name.
  • Jesus’ voice set Lazarus free. His voice sets us free.
  • God is most interested in and values intimacy and relationship.
  • Earlier, it says Jesus loved them. He cares intimately for us. He knows everything about us. He will speak personally and intimately to us about things concerning us.
  • Interestingly, Lazarus’ name means “God has helped”
  • God calls us from that which imprisons us to that which brings us freedom. Is there something today that has imprisoned you?
  • God calls us from our past to our future.
  • John 10:3-4 – my sheep hear my voice and know my voice, follow me.
  • How do we respond when God is silent?
    • Don’t despair when there is a lack of immediate action.
    • God’s timing is perfect. Sometimes, a bigger picture is at play.
    • Never give up. Develop persistence and faith.
    • Is God trying to speak to us, but we are unaware of how He is speaking to us?
    • It may not be the outcome we are looking for.
  • Episodes 4 & 16 – the different ways God can speak to us.
  • Episode 11 – when I can’t hear God.
  • Episode 13 – Recognising how God speaks.
  • Episode 21 – Hearing God when God is silent.

Second Principle: Jesus understands our emotions.

  • Verse 35 – Jesus wept. (shortest verse in the Bible)
  • He understands our emotions, feelings, and thoughts. He wants to break through into our world and reveal Himself to us in the way we best understand.
  • Don’t play the blame game with God. If… you did this, then that wouldn’t have happened.
  • Mary and Martha both blamed Jesus for Lazarus’s death. If you had been here, he wouldn’t have died. How often have we become angry at God? Thankfully, God can take our anger, so it is better to express it to Him as He already knows. Get it out. Clear the air.
  • If we want to truly hear God, be open to what He will say. Don’t blame. Don’t ask ‘why’ questions. Questions and faith go hand in hand.

Third Principle: There is always hope with God.

  • God is never late. Death is not final. This time, Jesus’s delay was driven by love and the desire to glorify God.
  • Learn persistence. Build faith.
  • Our dreams may look dead. There is still hope.
  • We may have forgotten our dreams, but God hasn’t.


  1. Jesus speaks personally to us.
  2. Jesus understands our emotions.
  3. There is always hope with God.

Prophetic activation:

Turn your heart and thoughts to Father God and ask Him –

  • “God, what area of my life appears dead in which I need to hear Your voice and realise Your thoughts?”
  • “Father God, what do You want to show me about this?”

Time Stamps:

[0:39] – Gary & Jane share briefly how they have heard God this week.

[3:34] – Background to the story of Lazarus.

[11:17] – First Principle: Jesus speaks personally to us.

[19:44] – Second Principle: Jesus understands our emotions.

[22:25] – Third Principle: There is always hope with God.

[25:27] – Recap the principles.

[25:51] – Prophetic activation.

[26:50] – Gary & Jane both share a prophetic word for a listener.

[29:31] – Gary prays for you.

Resources / Links Mentioned:

Bible Verses Mentioned:

  • John 11:1-45
  • John 12:1
  • Luke 16:19-31
  • John 10:3-4
  • Lamentations 3:22-23

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