Episode Description:
I wonder how we would have reacted if we were Mary or Joseph and an angel appeared to us and told us we would have a baby supernaturally. Imagine the emotions. Mary and Joseph trusted God that He was orchestrating the miraculous in their lives while not restricting God to what their knowledge and experience said of God. They were both willing participants in God’s story, open to the mystery and adventure, displaying the courage required to partner with God. Do you believe God can do the impossible in your life? Join us in this latest episode of the ‘Hearing God’ podcast as we look at how Mary and Joseph heard from God during Mary’s conception, pregnancy, and birth with Jesus.
Episode Notes:
Background to Mary and Joseph and the birth of Jesus
- Mathew’s Gospel is the account of Joseph hearing from God in Matthew 1:18-25 and then the birth and fleeing to Egypt as a refugee in chapter 2.
- Luke’s Gospel is Mary’s account in Luke 1:26-56 and the birth of Jesus in Luke chapter 2.
- Mark and John leave out this part of the story of Jesus’ conception, birth, and early years.
- Mary was pledged or promised to be Joseph’s wife.
- Interestingly, the time between the promise and the fulfilment of the promise often has some hiccups—a huge hiccup with Mary and Joseph.
- Great question – what is our response when our expectations are shattered after a promise is made, or we believe God will do something in our life, but it hasn’t yet manifested and looks worse?
First Principle: We can hear God through dreams and visions.
- We did a 3-part series on hearing God through dreams in episodes 22-24.
- Luke 1:26-38, the angel Gabriel visited Mary and told her not to be afraid, but she would conceive and give birth to a son and call him Jesus.
- Mary asks – how will this be? (verse 34) – great question.
- God’s timing plus ‘just in time’ wisdom and guidance
- Mary shares this significant change of events with Joseph, who decides to quietly divorce Mary to save her further embarrassment and not to expose her to public disgrace. Very thoughtful and considerate of Joseph.
- The punishment by Jewish law would be death for Mary (Leviticus 20:10). Instead, Joseph went to sleep (gave himself some time and breathing space – not acting rashly). An angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, don’t be afraid to take Mary home as your wife because what is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus because he will save his people from their sins.” Joseph understood his life purpose– marrying Mary, naming the child, protecting the child, and raising the child in obedience to God.
- We know the angel was from God because the Bible says so – but it was a massive leap of faith for Joseph.
- God spoke to Joseph several more crucial times. In Matthew 2:13,19,22 – three times, Joseph was warned in dreams to go quickly (i.e. the first time it was to flee in the middle of the night – imagine Mary being wakened, told to grab everything we’re leaving immediately to a foreign country where we don’t know anyone, have no place to live, no money, no work, and we’re going immediately) so their baby son would not be killed. Just before this, in Matthew 2:12, the Magi were warned in a dream not to go back to Herod and tell him where the baby boy was.
- Mary obviously trusted Joseph that he was hearing from God in those dreams.
- Joseph and Mary had completed the arduous trek to Bethlehem and the ordeal of childbirth in a stable. On the eighth day after Jesus’ birth, they had Him circumcised as the law required. Forty days after His birth, Mary offered her purification sacrifice in the Temple. Then, it seems as though they settled down in Bethlehem, possibly planning to make it their new home. Some time passed before the Magi arrived from Persia to worship the newborn king, and they found him in a house, not in the manger, as most nativity scenes suggest ( 2:11).
- The trip to Egypt was about two hundred miles by foot or donkey, over mountains, wilderness, and desert, with a baby. There is no indication in Scripture that Mary ever questioned Joseph’s decision.
- Mary again trusted Joseph sometime later when Joseph was told in a dream that they could return to Israel but not Bethlehem.
- Joseph heard from God through dreams and received revelation, comfort, and specific instructions. Each time, Joseph quietly obeys. He doesn’t get angry or sulk.
Second Principle: We can hear God by feeling.
- Episode 29 – Hearing God through our feelings.
- Luke 1:39-44 Mary travelled to stay with Elizabeth for about three months. As soon as Elizabeth heard Mary’s voice, the baby within Elizabeth leapt in her womb, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. She knew Mary would bear a child, and the baby would be the Lord.
- Elizabeth’s baby responded to Mary’s baby’s presence.
- You can feel God’s Presence.
- Some people feel from God and ‘manifest’ by shaking, running around, extreme wailing, etc. That’s not us.
Third Principle: We can hear God by pondering and reflecting.
- Luke 2:19 (& later in verse 51 when they were living in Nazareth after the birth of Jesus) – Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart.
- God grew in her womb. His promise grows in us as we listen, discern, and feel the strength of God’s energy.
- Take time to ponder, reflect, and meditate on God and His promises.
- You can carry a promise.
- It was a defining moment for Mary and Joseph.
- The challenge for us today is whether we have the faith to believe that God can do the impossible in our lives.
- We can hear God through dreams and visions.
- We can hear God by feeling.
- We can hear God by pondering and reflecting.
Prophetic Activation:
Sit in a comfortable chair, close your eyes and ponder/meditate on God. Ask God to join you in your thoughts and ponder God’s attributes and who He would love to be for you. Then, wait for His reply.
Time Stamps:
[2:06] – Gary & Jane share briefly how they have heard God this week.
[4:05] – Background to the story of Mary and Joseph.
[5:40] – First Principle: We can hear God through dreams and visions.
[13:35] – Second Principle: We can hear God by feeling.
[17:37] – Third Principle: We can hear God by pondering and reflecting.
[23:18] – Recap the principles.
[23:40] – Prophetic activation.
[24:47] – Gary & Jane both share a prophetic word for a listener.
[26:38] – Gary prays for you.
Resources / Links Mentioned:
- Episode 22 (Hearing God through our Dreams part 1): https://garyandjane.co/episode-22-hearing-god-through-our-dreams-part-1/
- Episode 23 (Hearing God through our Dreams part 2): https://garyandjane.co/episode-23-hearing-god-through-our-dreams-part-2/
- Episode 24 (Hearing God through our Dreams part 3): https://garyandjane.co/hearing-god-through-our-dreams-part-3/
- Episode 29 (Hearing God through our feelings): https://garyandjane.co/episode-29-hearing-god-through-our-feelings/
- Website: https://garyandjane.co
Bible Verses Mentioned:
- Matthew 1:18-25
- Matthew 2
- Luke 1:26-56
- Luke 2:1-22
- Leviticus 20:10
Connect with Gary & Jane:
- Visit the Hearing God podcast website https://garyandjane.co
- Email admin@garyandjane.co
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- Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/hearinggodpodcast/
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