Episode Description:
Am I prepared to be obedient to God, even when it is not aligned with current culture? Am I willing, faith-filled, courageous, future-sighted, totally trusting God even when there is no reference point of rain, willing to look ridiculous in the world’s eyes, swim against the stream, being a misfit, having tenacious faith? Join us in this latest episode of ‘Hearing God’ as we unpack the story of Noah from the Bible. Noah is an excellent reminder that God desires our obedience and is interested in our character and relationship with Him.
Episode Notes:
Background of Noah: Genesis 6-9
- Noah first introduced in Genesis 5:32 how, after he had lived 500 years, he became the father of Shem, Japheth, and Ham.
- Genesis 6:6 – The Lord regretted making humans as they had become evil.
- Verse 8 & 9 – Noah found favour in the eyes of God because he was blameless among the people of his time, and he walked faithfully with God. Noah was not perfect but blameless compared to everyone else alive at the time.
- Verse 13 – God said to Noah, I’m going to destroy all people but make an ark and gave him specific instructions: 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, 30 cubits high, rooms, roof, openings, etc. God was going to fill the earth with floodwaters, but Noah was to take himself, his wife and sons and son’s wives into the ark with 2 of all living creatures to keep them alive. In chapter 7. He mentions 7 pairs of clean animals and one pair of unclean animals and how he would send rain for 40 days and 40 nights.
- They were tent dwellers – no grid for rain, floods, etc.
- Symbolism: The ark was 3 stories – compared to the Tabernacle – 3-fold structure, like the 3 parts of the Gospel – judgement, forgiveness, and salvation. The word for ark in Hebrew is tebah – mentioned as the pitch coating of the basket that the baby Moses was placed in – symbolising God’s protection.
- Waters flooded the earth for 150 days.
- Process for coming out of the ark – sent out a raven, then a dove, then a dove again, and it came back with a fresh olive leaf, then next time it didn’t come back.
- Chapter 8:21 – never again will I destroy all living creatures, and never again will a flood destroy the whole earth – this will be my sign – a rainbow.
- Ch 9:20 – Noah planted a vineyard, drank some wine, and became drunk. Ham saw his father drunk and naked in the tent and told his brothers. Shem and Japheth took a garment as a sign of respect and covered their father and didn’t look at his nakedness.
First Principle: Our character is important to God.
- Noah was blameless compared to his fellow man.
- He walked with God. He found favour in God’s eyes.
- If we are struggling to hear God – it is worth examining our behaviour and character. (God can still talk to us, but it is easier to hear God clearly when our character is pure/clean.)
Second Principle: Details are important to God.
- God gave Noah specific instructions – how to build the ark, fill it, shut it, what to do and how to exit. God is in the details.
- Ask God for prophetic blueprints.
Third Principle: Noah did all that God commanded.
- Genesis 6-9 keeps saying that Noah did all that God commanded.
- God desires our obedience. It is important to God, even when it doesn’t make sense.
- Imagine building this colossal ark. There had never been any floods or water over the earth. People would think he was crazy. Who was he to believe – God or man? Imagine the reaction of people.
- Noah was an entrepreneur and took a considerable risk. Faith is spelt RISK. He was confronted with discouragement and opposition.
- If you are struggling to hear God – go back to the last time you heard God clearly and see if God has asked you to do something you haven’t obeyed.
- First Principle: Our character is important to God.
- Second Principle: Details are important to God.
- Third Principle: Noah did all that God commanded.
Prophetic activation:
Turn your heart and thoughts to Father God and ask Him –
- “God, is there something in my character You would love me to work on/improve?”
- “Father God, is there an area I haven’t obeyed You in yet? What else do I need to know about it?”
Time Stamps:
[0:37] – Gary & Jane share briefly how they have heard God this week.
[2:49] – Background to Noah and outline of his story.
[6:49] – First Principle: Our character is important to God.
[8:41] – Second Principle: Details are important to God.
[13:40] – Third Principle: Noah did all that God commanded.
[17:33] – Am I prepared to be obedient, even when it is not aligned with current culture?
[18:05] – Recap the principles.
[18:30] – Prophetic activation.
[19:50] – Gary & Jane both share a prophetic word for a listener.
[20:59] – Gary prays for you.
Resources / Links Mentioned:
- Episode 21: https://garyandjane.co/episode-21-hearing-god-when-god-is-silent/
- Darren Wilson, “Finger of God” movie: https://wpfilm.com/media/finger-of-god/
- Episode 20: https://garyandjane.co/episode-20-making-time-to-hear-god/
- Episode 33: https://garyandjane.co/hearing-god-saul-paul-bible/
- Episode 3 (first thought principle): https://garyandjane.co/episode-3-what-does-gods-voice-sound-like/
- https://www.unlockingthegold.com/product/ministering-like-jesus-paperback/
- Website: https://garyandjane.co
Bible Verses Mentioned:
- Genesis 5:32
- Genesis 6-9
- Acts 9:11
Connect with Gary & Jane:
- Visit the Hearing God podcast website https://garyandjane.co
- Email admin@garyandjane.co
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- Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/hearinggodpodcast/
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