Episode Description:
When we believe God wants to talk to us, it changes the way we believe, think, and feel about ourselves. We realise we are seen, heard, noticed, valued, and begin to feel worthy. When I recognise how God speaks to me, it can change the way I feel about myself. Does God really think I’m worth talking to? Yes. Gary & Jane unpack this topic looking at both personal and christian identity and share many practical strategies and examples.
Episode Notes:
First Principle: Our identity as a Child of God
- When we have a relationship with God, we are adopted into His family as His son/daughter.
- The Bible is full of statements about our identity.
- Ephesians 2:10 – His workmanship
- 1 Peter 2:9 – chosen race, royal priesthood
- Ephesians 1:5- adopted as God’s child
- 2 Corinthians 5:20 – ambassador for Christ with all the privileges of an ambassador.
- Importance of reading the Bible
- When we realise the authority we carry as a child of God it changes the way we pray – John 14:12.
Second Principle: Our unique identity
- Your specific individual identity
- How you are known in Heaven
- Jamie Winship – book “Living Fearless – exchanging the lies of the world for the liberating truth of God”.
- Ask Jesus what He calls you, how He refers to you.
- Is there a nickname God uses for you?
- 1st thought principle – encouraging, aligns with Scripture, not condemning.
- If it appears negative, ask God what you need to know about that.
- Jane gives examples about hpw being called a healer or builder may mean various things.
- May be shame associated with our identity.
- Prayer
- Silence the voice of the enemy.
- Father God, is there a lie I’m believing about myself?
- Is there a false name/identity I call myself?
- Lord please shine your light on the truth.
- Please show me my true identity.
Third Principle: Other ‘clues’ as to your identity
- Meaning of your name.
- Prophetic words that speak of identity.
Fourth Principle: Think outside the square.
- If God calls you builder, it might not be building with your hands, it might be building people, building wealth and resources, it might be related to building blocks – eg teacher
- Ask God questions to seek clarification.
Prophetic activation:
Turn heart and thoughts to Father God and ask Him:
- God, what do you want me to know about my identity?
- God, what do you want me to do in relation to that?
- God, is there a favourite nickname you call me?
- How am I known in Heaven?
Time Stamps:
[0:55] – Gary & Jane share briefly how they have heard God this week.
[2:55] – First Principle – our identity as a child of God.
[5:40] – Jane shares about realising the authority she has as a child of God.
[7:27] – Second Principle – our unique identity.
[7:45] – Jamie Winship (Living Fearless) and Jennie Allen’s podcast.
[9:17] – Is there a nickname God calls you?
[12:18] – Jane gives examples of different meanings of the one role.
[12:57] – Jane shares how shame may be associated with a name and leads in prayer.
[15:24] – Third Principle – other clues to your identity.
[17:36] – Fourth Principle – think outside the square.
[18:32] – Prophetic activation.
[19:24] – Gary & Jane both share a prophetic word for a listener.
[21:38] – Gary prays for you.
Resources / Links Mentioned:
- Episode 14: https://garyandjane.co/episode-14-if-i-can-pray-i-can-prophesy/
- Jamie Winship’s book – ‘Living Fearless’. jamiewinship.com
- https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/made-for-this-with-jennie-allen/id1466667116?i=1000584893686
- Episode 3: https://garyandjane.co/episode-3-what-does-gods-voice-sound-like/
- Episode 1: https://garyandjane.co/god-wants-to-communicate-with-us/
- https://www.unlockingthegold.com/product/speak-life/
- Ellel Ministries: https://ellel.org
- Prayer Ministry / Inner Healing through various places. Contact your local church or various ministries like Bethel Sozo, Elijah House, Ellel Ministries, Heart Revive (Portico Church – online), Restore (Stairway SASH) or Restoring the Foundations.
- If you would like to become a Christian, please contact a local church, or find an Alpha course near you.
Bible Verses Mentioned:
- Ephesians 2:10
- 1 Peter 2:9
- Ephesians 1:5
- 2 Corinthians 5:20
- John 14:12
Connect with Gary & Jane:
- Visit the Hearing God podcast website https://garyandjane.co
- Email admin@garyandjane.co
- Podcast Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092429006234
- Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/hearinggodpodcast/
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