Episode 9: Part 2 How Can I Grow in My Ability to Hear God?

Episode 9: Part 2 How Can I Grow in My Ability to Hear God?

Episode Description:

This episode is the second part of how we can grow in our ability to hear God (episode 8). It is full of practical ways we can practice hearing God. Two common questions people have are “What if I get it wrong?” and “Is this just me or is it God?” Gary and Jane cover these questions, as well as share numerous practical examples.

Episode Notes:

  1. Practice (second part)
  • What if I get it wrong?
  • Is this just me or is it God?
  • First thought principle
  • 1 Corinthians 14:3 – a prophetic word is encouraging, comforting, and strengthening.
  • Prophetic words help people encounter God’s love.
  1. Third Principle – feedback
  • Ask people, “does this resonate with you?”
  • Does it come true? Is it confirmed?
  • Have a mentor.
  • Record yourself.
  • Journal promptings and answers.
  • Actively grow in this area.
  1. Fourth Principle – have fun
  • Celebrate the step of faith, not just the outcome.
  • Start with the visible, then go to the invisible eg prophetic activations.

Prophetic Activation:

Ask God to highlight a Bible verse or a chapter/book/person of the Bible that relates to you. Ask God questions about how it applies to your life.

Time Stamps:

[0:56] – Common questions – “What if I get it wrong?” and “Is this just me or is it God?”

[4:09] – Gary shares how he practices with a notebook and list of words.

[5:07] – Jane ‘tests’ Gary.

[7:00] – Third Principle – feedback

[7:39] – A significant example of a prophetic word coming true.

[10:20] – Jane shares more practical ideas for growth in this area.

[12:30] – Fourth Principle – have fun

[13:21] – Practical activations available on the https://unlockingthegold.com website.

[18:15] – Prophetic Activation.

[19:13] – Prophetic word for a listener.

[21:08] – Gary prays for you.

Resources / Links Mentioned:

Bible Verses Mentioned:

  • 1 Corinthians 14:3
  • 2 Timothy 4:2

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  • If God is leading your heart to donate or support the show in any way, please visit https://buymeacoffee/garyandjanM Thank you so much.

Episode 8: How Can I Grow in My Ability to Hear God?

Episode 8: How Can I Grow in My Ability to Hear God?

 Episode Description:

God desires to communicate with us. He longs to be involved in every aspect of our life and for us to be intimate with Him. Sometimes we can feel like we are not able to hear God clearly or to recognise what He is saying to us. This episode is full of practical ways we can practice hearing God. We ended up splitting this episode into two as we had so many tips for growing in our ability to hear God.


Episode Notes:

  1. Cultivate intimacy with God
  • Focus on God.
  • Be obedient to God in the little things. Eg parable of the faithful steward.
  • Grow awareness of Holy Spirit promptings. John 10:27
  1. Practice
  • 2 Corinthians 5:7 we live by faith not by sight.
  • Step out of comfort zone and take a risk.
  • Rahab with spies in Joshua 2.
  • A lifestyle of taking every opportunity.
  • See a need and fill it.
  • View people through supernatural eyes.


Prophetic Activation:

Ask God if there is someone He would love you to ring/text/message to encourage. Then contact them.


Time Stamps:

[1:02] – First Principle – cultivating intimacy with God.

[3:58] – Jane shares how she has grown an awareness of the Holy Spirit promptings.

[4:52] – Gary shares recent examples of Holy Spirit promptings.

[9:08] – Janes shares about starting the podcast.

[15:47] – Second Principle – practice.

[16:59] – Jane shares examples of taking every opportunity to step out in obedience.

[22:20] – Prophetic Activation

[23:08] – Encouraging word for you.

[24:41] – Gary prays for you.


Resources / Links Mentioned:

Bible Verses Mentioned:

  • Matthew 25:21
  • Proverbs 3:5-6
  • John 10:27
  • Luke 5:12-15
  • 1 & 2 Samuel
  • 2 Samuel 5:17-24
  • 2 Corinthians 5:7
  • Joshua 2
  • James 2:15-17
  • Isaiah 40:31
  • Romans 12:2

Connect with Gary & Jane:

Support the show:

  • Share this podcast with someone who would value hearing from God.
  • Subscribe and leave a rating + review on your favourite podcast listening app.
  • If God is leading your heart to donate or support the show in any way, please visit https://buymeacoffee/garyandjanM Thank you so much.