Episode 33: Hearing God – Saul/Paul (Bible)
Episode Description:
Join Gary & Jane in this latest episode of Hearing God as they unpack how Paul first heard God in Acts 9 and his radical conversion. Gary & Jane share that God desires a relationship with everyone and that when we encounter God, we change. They both share their personal story of how they encountered God. Gary & Jane also cover how we can respond when God asks us to do something that doesn’t make sense.
Episode Notes:
First Principle: There is no one too bad for God. God desires a relationship with everyone.
- Saul / Paul was a ruthless man. Arrogant, self-righteous, loved finding fault.
- God talks to non-Christians.
- Saul saw a light, heard a voice, and then went blind. The men travelling with him heard the sound but didn’t see anyone. Sometimes, it doesn’t make sense to those around us. Who do we trust in those times?
- Acts 13, when we read of Saul, also known as Paul (Latin version), says Paul was filled with the Holy Spirit and could discern things. It was a ‘knowing’.
Second Principle: When we encounter God, we change.
- Saul encounters God. Face to Face and had a radical transformation.
- In Damascus, there was a Christian called Ananias, whom God told in a vision to go to Saul and pray for him to be able to see again. Ananias says, “Wait a minute, this guy will kill me” but follows what God told him to do.
- Ananias goes and finds Saul and prays for him. Saul can see again and suddenly starts preaching and telling people about Christ—radical conversion.
- There is always an outcome, a change when we encounter God.
Third Principle: How do we respond when we are asked to do something by God that doesn’t make sense.
- Ananias was given specific directions (Acts 9:10-19) in a vision to go to a particular house on Straight Street and ask for a specific person (Saul).
- Ananias responds by saying, “Hey, I’ve heard he wants to arrest Christians – are you sure God? It is okay to question God? What we do with the question and response is what is important.
- God said Go and do this. Ananias obeys.
- It is important to obey quickly, but if it sounds unusual, please check with mature people.
- How many times do we miss out because we haven’t obeyed quickly? God uses someone else.
Turn your heart and thoughts to Father God and ask Him:
- Father God, who in my life needs to hear about You?
- Father God, what do they need to know first about You?
Time Stamps:
[0:40] – Gary & Jane share briefly how they have heard God this week.
[2:59] – First Principle – There is no one too bad for God. God desires a relationship with everyone.
[8:27] – Second Principle – When we encounter God, we change.
[10:55] – Jane’s encounter with Jesus.
[13:44] – Gary’s encounter with Jesus.
[15:14] – Prayer if you want to accept Jesus as Lord and Saviour of your life.
[17:13] – Third Principle – How do we respond when we are asked to do something by God that doesn’t make sense.
[21:02] – Recap the principles.
[21:36] – Prophetic activation.
[22:36] – Gary & Jane both share a prophetic word for a listener.
[23:52] – Gary prays for you.
Resources / Links Mentioned:
- Episode 27 https://garyandjane.co/times-when-we-can-easily-miss-hearing-god/
- Episode 3 https://garyandjane.co/episode-3-what-does-gods-voice-sound-like/
- Website: https://garyandjane.co
- If you would like to become a Christian, please contact a local church, or find an Alpha course near you – https://alpha.org/
Bible Verses Mentioned:
- Acts 9:1-21
- Acts 13
Connect with Gary & Jane:
- Visit the Hearing God podcast website https://garyandjane.co
- Email admin@garyandjane.co
- Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100092429006234
- Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/hearinggodpodcast/
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