Episode 61: Hearing God in the face of adversity.

Episode 61: Hearing God in the face of adversity.

Episode Description:

Despite being described in the Bible as a man after God’s own heart, David had many failings. Yet, repeatedly, he displayed courage in the face of adversity and quickly repented when he was wrong. When David was faced with a problem, he enquired of the Lord. When he had trouble hearing God, he did the work to distinguish God’s voice from the noise around him and the ‘noise’ within him. Join us as we unpack the story of David in the Bible, the principles we can learn from it, and how to apply them to our lives in hearing God.

Episode Notes:

Background to David:

  • You can read about David in 1 Samuel chapters 16-31, 2 Samuel, right through to 1 Kings 2:10, where he died.
  • Shepherd boy, youngest of 8 sons of Jesse
  • 17 years old – anointed and prophesied over by the prophet Samuel as a future King. 1 Samuel 16:12-13
  • Defeated giant Goliath with a stone and sling.
  • Served under King Saul, then became a fugitive. Hid in a cave.
  • 30 years old – anointed King over Judah for 7 ½ years. It can take a long time for God’s will to come to pass. It wasn’t an easy journey for David.
  • Then anointed King over Israel for 33 years.
  • 70 years old – died after being King for 40 years.

First Principle: Ask God for His perspective on things.

  • Jesse sent David to see how the three older brothers were going in the army. Giant – 1 Sam 17 Israel & the Philistines were at war, each on a hill with a valley between them. Goliath was nearly 10 feet tall with bronze armour and spear. 40 days Goliath challenged Israelites to come and fight him.
  • David’s courage in the face of adversity. Intimidation from Saul, his brothers and Goliath. Eyes remained on God and not on the natural circumstances. Knew God could do the impossible.
  • Also, God had equipped him in the past while caring for sheep. 1 Samuel 17:34-37
  • Use what’s in your hand. 1 Samuel 23:6-13 (David and the ephod – enquire of God)
    • Don’t wear someone else’s armour – your way of hearing God.
    • Bible – God’s Word – way of getting info to you
  • You don’t always need to hear God before you take the next step. Use wisdom and what you have been equipped to do.
  • Listen to the right people. 1 Samuel 23:14-23
  • Enquire of the Lord.

Second Principle:  Value the Presence of God.

  • David valued the presence of God. He did everything possible to return the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem. 2 Sam 6:1-23. He recognised the value of the ark as the earthly throne of the God of Israel. Restoring the ark to a place of prominence in the nation acknowledged the Lord’s Kingship and rule.
  • Worship passionately.
  • Didn’t hold back with emotions.
  • Relationship with God is top priority.
  • Psalm 100:4 “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise.” The Message version ‘Enter with the password – ‘Thank you’”

Third Principle: Stay close to God.

  • 2 Sam 11:1-27 – David commits adultery with his army captain Uriah’s wife Bathsheba, then kills him. He had stayed home and placed himself in a vulnerable position.
  • A man after God’s own heart. 2 Sam 12 – he realised his error and quickly repented.
  • Enquire of God. Seek confirmation. Frequently, David enquired of the Lord. 1 Sam 23:1-4 battle plans fighting the Philistines.
  • If you can’t hear God, do the work to distinguish God’s voice from the noise around you and the noise within you.
  • Psalm 13 – David’s dark moment. “How long, Lord, will you hide your face from me?”


  1. Ask God for His perspective on things.
  2. Value the Presence of God.
  3. Stay close to God.

Prophetic activation:

Turn your heart and thoughts to Father God and ask Him –

  • “God, what do You call me? Do You have a name for me?”
  • “God, why do You call me that?”
  • “Father God, what would it take for me to be called ‘a person after Your own heart’?”

Time Stamps:

[0:37] – Gary & Jane share briefly how they have heard God this week.

[3:30] – Background to the story of David.

[6:25] – First Principle: Ask God for His perspective on things.

[11:17] – Second Principle: Value the Presence of God.

[16:49] – Third Principle: Stay close to God.

[20:50] – Recap the principles.

[21:14] – Prophetic activation.

[22:19] – Gary & Jane both share a prophetic word for a listener.

[24:54] – Gary prays for you.

Resources / Links Mentioned:

Bible Verses Mentioned:

  • 1 Samuel 13:14
  • 1 Samuel chapters 16-31, specifically 16:12-13; 17; 23:1-23;
  • 2 Samuel, specifically 6:1-23; 11:1-27; 12;
  • 1 Kings 1-2:10
  • Acts 13:22
  • Psalm 100:4
  • Psalm 13
  • Psalm 119:105

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