Episode 1: God wants to Communicate with Us

Episode 1: God wants to Communicate with Us

Episode Description:

God’s desire is for communication with us. He wants to have a relationship with us and share thoughts, insights, solutions, strategies, and secrets with us. God also wants to hear our thoughts, struggles, dreams, and desires. If you want God to speak to you, He will always answer you. He is a loving God who wants to communicate with us. We can hear God for ourselves. This episode contains keys to help you hear from God.

Gary and Jane share their first memorable experiences of the father heart of God. They share how our identity is often based on what our earthly father’s relationship with us was like, and how we often view God through the lens of our relationship with our earthly father.

Episode Notes:

1. God created us for relationship.

    • God desires intimacy with us.
    • Psalm 139:13-18. God created us and knows our innermost thoughts and desires.
    • Jeremiah 33:3. God wants us to call to Him and He will always answer us.
    • Often, we are not listening or unaware of how God is speaking to us.
    • If you want God to speak to you, He will always answer you.

2. An expectation that God still speaks today.

    • Do you believe that God still wants to communicate with you today?
    • We need to position ourselves to hear God.
    • Habakkuk 2:1 – eagerly anticipate and expect God to speak to us.

3. Father heart of God.

    • Often, we determine what Father God is like by our experience with our earthly father. 
    • How we view God is often through the lens of our relationship with our earthly father.
    • Our identity is often based in what our relationship was like with our father.


Ask Father God, “How do you see me dressed?”

Explore it further with God by asking more questions, for example:

    • Why am I wearing those clothes?
    • What do the colours mean?
    • What would you like to say to me through this?

Time Stamps:

[0.23] – Jane shares how God created us for relationship.

[1.18] – Gary shares about his experience ministering at the Mind, Body, Spirit Festival.

[2.50] – Jane shares on the need for an expectation that God still speaks today.

[3.41] – Gary shares on the Father heart of God.

[4.34] – Our identity is often based in what our relationship was like with our father.

[5.05] – Gary shares when he first encountered the father heart of God.

[6.42] – Jane’s experience seeing a man experience the father heart of God.

[9.44] – An opportunity to ask God where He is for you.

[11.44] – Jane shares her first memorable experience with the father heart of God.

[14.54] – Encouragement to ask God questions.

[16.12] – Activation – ask Father God, “How do you see me dressed?”

[16.51] – Gary prays for you.

Resources / Links Mentioned:

    • Ellel Ministries
    • Ken Symington – book “Loved like never before: Discovering the Father Heart of God”. His course is available through Ellel Ministries.
    • A.J. Jones – “Finding Father” available through Amazon or  https://alynandaj.com/store/finding-father-book/
    • Prayer Ministry / Inner Healing through various places. Contact your local church or various ministries like Bethel Sozo, Elijah House, Ellel Ministries, Heart Revive (Portico Church – online), Restore (Stairway SASH) or Restoring the Foundations.
    • If you would like to become a Christian, please contact a local church, or find an Alpha course near you.

Bible Verses Mentioned:

    • Psalm 139:13-18
    • Jeremiah 33:3
    • Habakkuk 2:1

Connect with Gary & Jane:

Support the show:

    • If God is leading your heart to donate or support the show in any way, please visit https://buymeacoffee/garyandjanM  Thank you so much. 
    • Subscribe and leave a rating + review on your favourite podcast listening app.
    • Share this podcast with someone who would value hearing from God.


Episode 000: Trailer

Episode 000: Trailer

Episode Description:

In this introductory episode, we introduce ourselves and the aims for this podcast – that of helping you hear God and live a naturally supernatural life. Most People struggle with hearing God for themselves, so we share how this podcast will equip you with tools and practical examples so you can confidently hear God. In being able to hear from God for yourself, it will draw you closer to God, help you solve problems, positively impact your relationships, and transform your sphere of influence. Above all, it is our desire for you to grow in your relationship with Father God, Holy Spirit, and Jesus.

Episode Notes:

  1. Introduction to the podcast.
  2. Introduction to Gary and Jane Berry.
  3. A memorable first encounter Gary had with the prophetic.
  4. One of Jane’s first times hearing God.
  5. Hearing God is more than hearing a voice. It includes all the senses – seeing, knowing, feeling, sensing etc.
  6. An activation to help you hear God.


Ask Father God, “Can you please show, tell, or give me something to encourage me today?”

Time Stamps:

[0.20] – Jane shares how hearing God for yourself will help you.

[0.42] – Gary shares the aim of the Hearing God Podcast.

[0.57] – An introduction to Gary and Jane.

[1.54] – Gary shares a memorable encounter with the prophetic.

[3.09] – Jane shares about herself.

[3.35] – Jane’s experience of hearing an audible voice.

[4.58] – God is interested in every part of our life.

[5.16] – This episode’s practical activation.

Resources / Links Mentioned:

Connect with Gary & Jane:

Support the show:

  • If God is leading your heart to donate or support the show in any way, please visit https://buymeacoffee/garyandjanM Thank you so much.
  • Subscribe and leave a rating + review on your favourite podcast listening app.
  • Share this podcast with someone who would value hearing from God.