Episode 2: The Importance of Hearing God for Myself.
Episode Description:
It is so important to learn to hear God for ourselves. Sometimes we may feel we can’t hear God, but God uses a variety of ways to get our attention. We are individuals and God, as our creator, knows us intimately. He will speak to us in ways that make sense to us. God is not limited to communicating with us in only one way. Spending time and becoming intimate with God is vital.
Episode Notes:
1. We need to ‘know the real deal’ and be able to spot the fake.
2. Get to know God’s voice.
- John 10:14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me.”
- John 10:27 “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.”
3. Different ways God can speak to us.
- Gary’s call to church planting through reading Jeremiah 1.
- Deep sense of peace when praying.
- Sensing / feeling
- Knowing / perceiving
- Seeing pictures or symbols / dreams /visions
- Still small voice / auditory voice
- Etc.
“Jesus, what do you love most about me and why?”
Time Stamps:
[0.25] – Jane shares about learning to spot the real before focusing on the fake.
[1.24] – The importance of getting to know God’s voice.
[2.02] – Jane shares how the Bible came alive watching sheep in Israel.
[3.59] – Jane shares recent experiences of hearing God.
[6.49] – Gary shares his call to church planting through reading the Bible.
[8.12] – One way God speaks to us is through the Bible.
[8.19] – God communicates to us in a variety of ways.
[9.54] – Psalm 91:1-5
[10.56] – Jane shares how hearing God for herself changed the way she prays.
[11.53] – The prophetic often confirms what God has already been sharing with us.
[13.20] – The importance of hearing God for myself.
[13.43] – Gary shares about prophesying about future husbands and wives.
[16.48] – Activation – ask Jesus what He loves most about you and why.
[17.31] – Gary prays for you.
Bible Verses Mentioned:
- Jeremiah 1
- Psalm 91:1-5
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- Visit Jane’s website https://unlockingthegold.com and subscribe to get your free copy of ’40 Days of Gratitude’.
- Email admin@garyandjane.co
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