Episode 56: Hearing God through my spirit being stirred up

Episode 56: Hearing God through my spirit being stirred up

Episode Description:

Sometimes, we can get comfortable and ‘forget’ the bigger picture. We can misplace our priorities. That’s what happened to the Jewish people after the exile. But, in the book of Haggai, we finally see that the people of Judah listened and obeyed a prophet!! This is an excellent example of a time when God spoke, stirred up their spirits, and the people listened. They heard. They changed their behaviour. God chose to work out His purposes through the faithfulness and obedience of His people. When God asks you to do something, do it. When God stirs up your spirit, He requires an outcome, an action. Haggai also urges caution numerous times with the phrase ‘give careful thought to your ways’. Join us in this latest episode of the ‘Hearing God’ Podcast as we look at how Haggai in the Bible heard from God.

Episode Notes:

Background to Haggai:

  • Around 520BC – 18 years after the Jewish people had returned from exile in Babylon.
  • The first 18 years after the faithful remnant had returned to Jerusalem, they had focussed on surviving, on their immediate needs. You do what you have to do to survive. E.g. shelter, food, safety. They built houses and planted crops.
  • But this was 18 years later, and the Temple of the Lord was still in ruins.
  • Sometimes, we get comfortable and ‘forget’ the bigger picture. Misplace our priorities. The Jews had forgotten their God, focussing on their interests, and it was time to consider their ways by rebuilding the Temple of the Lord. This would put worship back at the centre of the Israelite community and life.
  • Economic issues, food shortages, barely surviving, no extra money or resources for God. What we do in that situation speaks volumes. Actions speak louder than words.
  • Governor Zerubbabel and Joshua, the priest, were struggling. They lacked resources. They were left with the scraps.

First Principle: The Lord can stir up your spirit.

  • Chapter 1:14 “So the Lordstirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel, son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Joshua son of Jozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of the whole remnant of the people. They came and began to work on the house of the Lord Almighty, their God.” The Lord stirred up the spirit of the governor, the High Priest, and the whole people. Also, if God stirs up your spirit, there will be an outcome—an action.
  • Also, God will often work with various people at the same time. Usually, He doesn’t call you to be a lone ranger.

Second Principle: Ask God for solutions.

  • Ask God for a solution when things are not going well or how you would like. Ask God what the problem is.
  • Here, we see that the Israelites were plagued by drought. Their crops were failing. Why – they had ignored the Lord and His Temple.
  • God can and will work in mysterious ways that we don’t always understand.

Third Principle: A reminder to put God first.

  • We are not called to live half-heartedly. We are not called to be lukewarm.
  • We are called to live courageous and bold lives with God.
  • The Christian life is not for the faint-hearted.
  • Great question to ask: Have I become ‘comfortable’ in an area of my life with God?


  1. The Lord can stir up your spirit.
  2. Ask God for solutions.
  3. A reminder to put God first.

Prophetic activation:

Turn your heart and thoughts to Father God and ask Him –

  • “God, what is something you’d love me to do for my neighbour this week?”
  • “God, how am I to do that?”

Time Stamps:

[1:37] – Gary & Jane share briefly how they have heard God this week.

[4:57] – Background to the story of Haggai.

[7:41] – First Principle: The Lord can stir up your spirit.

[11:27] – Second Principle: Ask God for solutions.

[13:37] – Third Principle: A reminder to put God first.

[16:27] – Recap the principles.

[16:51] – Prophetic activation.

[17:47] – Gary & Jane both share a prophetic word for a listener.

[19:46] – Gary prays for you.

Resources / Links Mentioned:

Bible Verses Mentioned:

  • Haggai chapters 1-2

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